
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Studio 2091

Tonight is a big deal. A huge part of my life is coming to its last chapter. I don't mean figuratively but really actually physically coming near to a close. Amy Mothersbaugh is hosting her last show opening at Studio 2091. I owe so much of my history to that building and to Amy. 

Amy rented out her families' space to someone who turned out to be a really terrible person (who will not be named) who asked my mom to curate the art gallery for him. My mom ended up leaving her position but I was able to have my first gallery show there a couple years later. It was a senior showcase of sorts with two of my classmates. I even sold some of my work! I was elated. And then time went on and on and on and I never received my commission. He who will not be named never paid me. Cool, right? Amy had recently taken over. The Studio 2091 we know and love today was just a wee babe of a gallery. Amy had no obligation to me. It was this guys fault for being sleazy, but she took it upon herself to get that commission to me. And she did. 

Amy continued to help me over the years. My first apartment was in that building. Though frustrating at the time, I will remember the lack of windows and hot water fondly. My second apartment was right down the street in her other building. Amy helped me get my first published writing job with the now defunct Buzzbin Magazine when I was barely 19 years old. She bought my first set of comic book wallets (and maybe the second set?) and encouraged me to continue. I eventually did even have my own working studio space at her gallery. 

I met so many amazing people through Studio 2091. I don't think I am exaggerating for sentiments sake when I say I would be no where without it. Because here is where I met Tom Sullivan, who connected me to one of my greatest friends, Katie Starr, who got me into cosplay and conventions. Tom officiated my wedding a little over a year ago, which was photographed by Emily Speelman, who I also met through this gallery. And Emily hosted my first solo gallery show a few years back. I also 'met' Daire Lynch, an amazing artist all the way over in Ireland. He painted a portrait of me ON A BOOK and sent it to me! How cool is that?! Oh yeah, let's not forget to mention all the amazing original artwork adorning my walls from this gallery, too. I have AN ORIGINAL John Sokol painting. I still think that's nuts. I mean, he has a piece hanging in the Akron Art Museum AND I HAVE AN ORIGINAL IN MY OWN HOME!!!!! 

There's a lot of sadness and heartache from this gallery that goes with this, too. I won't talk about it but I wouldn't change any of it because I wouldn't be as awesome right now without it, ya know?


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