
Friday, April 27, 2012

Ninety-Nine & Ready to Die

He laid on the bed ‘til the nurse came by,
“I’m ninety-nine and I’m ready to die.

“I’ve seen it all. There’s nothing left for me.
And if I can only leave one statement behind,
let me tell you that everyone is the same.

“They tell you when you’re young
everyone is unique and to judge each other for it.
But I’m telling you, we’re all the same.

“We are nothing but flesh, bone, and emotion
and we do nothing but hurt and kill.
That’s all that life really comes down to.

“Life baffles me. Though we all have identical pains
we insist on continuing the cycle.
They never learn from the mistakes.

“I have lost faith in all people.
I have set my standards low
in hopes to never be disappointed.

“Let me tell you, my dear, please learn from me.
No matter your methods of prevention,
disappointment will always be there for you.”

He turned to the left and closed his eyes for the last time
before he could see the nurse hadn’t stayed to listen.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I, Daena Elaine Urbanski, am 20 years old. I live in a not-so-small-but-big-either town in the ever so seasonally bipolar Northeast Ohio. I don’t know what I want for myself.

Things that are currently making me upset, being as specific as possible and appropriate for being on the internet where everyone can access it:
My brother and his engagement
My mother and her husband
My father
My friends
My job
…being alone
Ya know what, I think I can sum up all of my problems in one statement.
“I hate my job and I hate that I am no one’s priority.”

Totally living the cliché right now.
Sitting at panera
Sipping chai tea
And not doing anything productive.
And by that I mean I am sitting here
Creeping on facebook
And then blogging about it

What has my fucking life come to? I'm only 20 years old and I feel like I'm 100 and ready to die.*

I don’t really know but I just burned the fuck out of my tongue.

*Not like suicidal, but like "I am old. I have lived this life. I am ready for the next one. Ready, go!"


Everyone wants to be different.
Everyone wants to be special.
Everyone wants to be that one,
but everyone is the same.

Everyone claims to make the effort.
Everyone claims to care.
Everyone claims to not be like the rest,
but everyone gives up eventually.

What makes me so different?
What about me makes everyone the same?
What is wrong with me,
and what makes me not worth it?