
Saturday, May 19, 2012


walk on rocks
hold my hand
talk with silence
sink in sand

trip on hearts
whoosh in waves
skip the cash
fall for plays

chase the flowers
howl in wind
pace my breathing
love or spin

ignore the clouds
dance in rain
reward our vision
forget the pain

stare at shadows
sleep in sun
care & listen
scream then run

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sight - Illustration Friday

Participating in Illustration Friday for the first time today...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

You were thinking

Have you ever laid in the middle of nowhere and stared at the sky?
Have you ever stared at the sky and thought about nothing?
Oh, you have?
No, there is no way you have.
It’s impossible.
Maybe you thought you were thinking about nothing, but really you were thinking about the deep brilliant blues that kept changing as the hours passed and how fast the clouds swam through it.
You were thinking about the thick tall grass and being surrounded by hundreds of yellow dandelions.
You were thinking about the cool breeze on your bare limbs and how it complimented the warmth of the setting sun shining on your already rosy cheeks.
You were thinking about all the other times you have laid under the sky and how each season has its own sounds and scents.
You were thinking about the beauty of silence and how you wished it could be like that all the time.
You were thinking.